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Friday, October 18, 2024

Archive for the 'Lead Generation' Category

’15 Creative Lead Generation Ideas to Try’ – Forrester

Josh Haynam says, “The whole lead generation process is tough — especially when you only rely on traditional methods. Sending cold emails and scraping together lists can be incredibly demoralizing because, let’s face it — most of those people don’t really want to talk to you. What if you could still reach your lead generation goals using methods that actually add value for your prospects? This utopia of lead generation is, in fact, a possibility. To walk you through some of the different options, we’ve detailed several examples of modern lead generation methods... [...]

‘Lead Generation: A Beginner’s Guide to Generating Business Leads the Inbound Way’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “We’ve all been through it. You know, the moment you’re about to dig into the best darn pile of spaghetti and meatballs you’ve ever seen. Just as you twist your fork in the pasta, spear a mouth-watering meatball, and go in for the first savory bite … the phone rings. “May I speak to Lindsay Kow-low-witch?” asks the telemarketer on the other end. “This is an important message regarding your oven preferences.” This frustrating interruption is exactly why we’re here to discuss inbound lead generation. What is inbound... [...]

‘How to Calculate Your Lead Generation Goals [Free Calculator]’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “o hit revenue and growth goals, your company needs customers. To get customers in an inbound world, your marketing team is responsible for generating leads and funneling them over to your sales team. The question is … how many leads? When your boss asks you what your lead goal is, don’t just pull an answer out of thin air. Your projections need to be based on math and rooted in your company’s larger goals. That’s where our new lead goal calculator comes in. To make it easier for marketers like you to set your lead goals for the month, we created... [...]

‘How Marketing Like Netflix Will Save Your Lead-Gen Strategy’ – MOZ

Chelsea Scholz says, “Webinars are an incredibly popular lead-gen tool in most marketers’ toolkits. However, times have changed (and viewer attention spans have changed with it). Rather than try and force your audience to show up on time for live events and stay for a full hour (ain’t nobody got time for that), it’s time to consider delivering content they can watch anytime they want (just like their Netflix experience). We’re talking on-demand video”. How Marketing Like Netflix Will Save Your Lead-Gen Strategy MOZ  [...]

‘How to Create a Lead Magnet That Actually Gets Leads’ – Entrepreneur

Eric Siu says, “A good lead magnet can generate thousands of leads per month for your business. Lead magnets, those ubiquitous free offers attached to a signup form for an email list, are a great opportunity to gain targeted leads. Creating lead magnets is easy. Creating lead magnets that get targeted leads is challenging. These tips will help you overcome those challenges to create dynamic lead magnets that get great results. What is a lead magnet? A lead magnet is content given away to someone in exchange for their email address. Instead of purchasing an ebook, for example, they simply... [...]

‘5 Lead Generation Ideas to Help You Increase Your Website’s Conversion Rates’ – MOZ

Lindsay kolowich says, “It’s been years since the power’s shifted away from marketers and advertisers and in favor of Internet consumers. Now more than ever, people are empowered to choose their own experiences online. They’re actively avoiding ad content — and instead of living by advertisers’ rule books, they’re deciding what to click on, what to read, what to download, and what to buy … and what not to. And they have a lot of choices. When inbound marketers like us are looking to generate more leads from our website, we need to think not just about how to capture people’s... [...]

‘Introducing New Insight Reports That Will Help You Get More Sales’ – Shopify Blog

Dan Meeking says, “Boosting sales takes more than just knowing your business inside and out, it takes knowing your customers inside and out, too. Just in time for Black Friday, you’ll see some new and updated reports in Shopify. First, you’ll notice new finance reports, which are available on all plans. If you’re on the Shopify plan, Advanced Shopify or Shopify Plus, you’ll also see a new set of customer reports, which are designed to give deeper insights on who your customers are and how they buy. Finance reports automatically track all sales, refunds, and payments... [...]

‘The Anatomy of a Lead-Generating Website’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Your website is the most important tool you have for turning prospects into customers. There are plenty of ways to increase the number of people visiting your site, but unless you convert these visitors into leads, you won’t be able to ultimately get new customers. As a result, your business won’t be able to grow at a healthy rate. That’s why it’s so important to design your website with lead generation top-of-mind. Think about what your website looks like in its current state. Do each of your webpages clearly guide visitors to take action,... [...]

‘Turning content pages into lead generators’ – Marketing Land

Brian Massey says, “This summer, I presented at the Content Marketing Institute’s Content Marketing World conference. There I was faced with the challenge of explaining how content marketers can turn visitors into subscribers and subscribers into customers. There was one answer to this question in my mind: landing pages. I’ve written about landing pages here at Marketing Land. Landing pages service known visitors. They are responding to an ad, an email link, a social media post or a link on your website. Landing pages have two jobs: Keep the promise made in the ad, email link, social... [...]

’20 Types of Lead Generation Content to Put Behind Your Landing Pages’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “What does being in a “content rut” mean to you? Perhaps the words remind you of writer’s block, when you couldn’t think of fresh topic ideas. (We’ve all been there.) Or maybe it makes you think of those days, weeks, or even — horror of horrors — months when your content seems to be falling kind of flat. There’s one other thing it might make you imagine — the kind of content rut with the same types of content getting created over and over again, instead of mixing it up. A big part of building a strong content strategy... [...]

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