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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Archive for the 'Link Building TIps' Category

‘Link Echoes (a.k.a. Link Ghosts): Why Rankings Remain Even After Links Disappear’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “One of the more interesting phenomena illustrated by Rand’s IMEC Lab project is that of “link echoes,” sometimes referred to as “link ghosts.” The idea is that if we move a page up in rankings by pointing links to it, and then removethose links, the bump in rankings often remains. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand explains what’s going on. One quick note: Rand mentions a link in this video that isn’t quite accurate; here’s the correct one”. Link Echoes (a.k.a. Link Ghosts): Why Rankings Remain Even After Links... [...]

‘Why Is the Competition Getting Authority Links and You Can’t?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Travis Bliffen says, “If you have a website that exists to provide useful information to readers without any intention of monetizing the traffic or peddling your product or services, you can get some pretty awesome back links. The problem is, without a monetization strategy or a promotional intent; you are not going to be rewarded for your efforts. If you are passionate about a topic and blog as a hobby, this shouldn’t be an issue, if you however are like most webmasters; you need your Web property to make some money for you. Making money is a great thing to do and if you can do it by... [...]

Final Reminder- ‘The Ultimate Guide to Blacklists’ Return Path Webinar 1.00 pm EDT

This is a reminder for the Return Path’s Mobile Marketing webinar on Wednesday, July 23 at 1.00 pm EDT. Return Path is  hosting a webinar featuring Henry Gutierrez and Sarah Matthews on Wednesday, July 23 at 1.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “The Ultimate Guide to Blacklists”. Return Path team says, “The webinar will include: What effect a blacklisting can have on ROI The role that blacklists play in spam filtering The blacklists marketers should concern themselves with the most How to know if you are listed on a blacklist Tips on how to resolve a blacklisting... [...]

Reminder- ‘The Ultimate Guide to Blacklists’ Return Path Webinar July 23

This is a reminder for the Return Path’s Mobile Marketing webinar on Wednesday, July 23. Return Path is  hosting a webinar featuring Henry Gutierrez and Sarah Matthews on Wednesday, July 23 at 1.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “The Ultimate Guide to Blacklists”. Return Path team says, “The webinar will include: What effect a blacklisting can have on ROI The role that blacklists play in spam filtering The blacklists marketers should concern themselves with the most How to know if you are listed on a blacklist Tips on how to resolve a blacklisting issue Long... [...]

‘The Ultimate Guide to Blacklists’ Return Path Webinar July 23

Return Path is  hosting a webinar featuring Henry Gutierrez and Sarah Matthews on Wednesday, July 23 at 1.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “The Ultimate Guide to Blacklists”. Return Path team says, “The webinar will include: What effect a blacklisting can have on ROI The role that blacklists play in spam filtering The blacklists marketers should concern themselves with the most How to know if you are listed on a blacklist Tips on how to resolve a blacklisting issue Long term recommendations to prevent blacklisting”. Webinar Details Organizer:  Return Path Key... [...]

‘The New Link Building Survey 2014 – Results’ – MOZ Blog

James Agate says, “Many of you may have seen our Link Building Survey results published here on Moz around this same time last year. The reception was fantastic, so we decided to push ahead with turning this into an annual series to see how this strand of the industry is developing and evolving over time. Firstly, “link building”… Yep, we’ve not changed the name to a “content marketing survey” or “inbound link acquisition survey;” we still feel link building is a vital part of an SEOs arsenal of tactics, and therefore it deserves its own survey”. The... [...]

‘How To Make Money Online with Superlinks’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Superlinks is an innovative advertising and technology company that connects online web publishers with premium advertisers using a variety of innovative digital advertising products. The company’s integrated approach to serve and manage publishers delivers amazing results for bloggers, websites, forums and content networks. Superlinks’ parent company Admanage SA is headquartered in Escazu, Costa Rica with a presence in Beverly Hills, Vancouver and Zaporozhye, Ukraine. Superlinks has just announced the launch of its full-service online display advertising publisher platform.... [...]

‘Deep Linking Isn’t Taking Off Yet. Can Facebook Change That?’ – ‘Mashable’

Todd Wasserman says, “Deep-linking, a technology that lets you use a link to launch a mobile app without going through the welcome screen, has been a hot topic in tech circles recently, but that hasn’t translated into actual use. However, a new move by Facebook on Tuesday may change that. Facebook is now letting developers send users from a mobile ad to a “deep link” within an app, the company announced on a blog post. In April, Facebook announced, a technology that would make it easier for third-party developers to provide deep links. The company reported that... [...]

‘8 Ways to Use Email Alerts to Boost SEO’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “Link building is nowhere near dead, and some of the best link opportunities can be discovered by setting up email alerts for various things that are published on the web. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand runs through eight specific types of alerts that you can implement today for improved SEO“. 8 Ways to Use Email Alerts to Boost SEO – Whiteboard Friday MOZ Blog  [...]

‘The 5 W’s of Link Curation’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “The 5 W’s of Link Curation”. Jerod Morris says, “When someone shares a link, and you click on it, and you are moved in some way by it — to action, to inspiration, even to tears — how do you feel about the person who shared it with you? You likely feel equal parts appreciation and respect. If you’re honest, you might even feel a slight twinge envy. (Damnit, why didn’t I find that link to share first!) It’s okay. Being the clicker and the consumer is just fine. Content marketing is an ecosystem, and we all have to play... [...]

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