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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Archive for the 'Link Building TIps' Category

‘The Most Important Link Penalty Removal Tool: Your Mindset’ – MOZ Blog

Eric Enge says, “Let’s face it. Getting slapped by a manual link penalty, or by the Penguin algorithm, really stinks. Once this has happened to you, your business is in a world of hurt. Worse still is the fact that you can’t get clear information from Google on which of your links are the bad ones. In today’s post, I am going to focus on the number one reason why people fail to get out from under these types of problems, and how to improve your chances of success. The mindset Success begins, continues, and ends with the right mindset. A large percentage of people I see... [...]

‘Announcing the New & Improved Link Intersect Tool’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “Y’all remember how last October, we launched a new section in Open Site Explorer called “Link Opportunities?” While I was proud of that work, there was one section that really disappointed me at the time (and I said as much in my comments on the post). Well, today, that disappointment is over, because we’re stepping up the Link Intersect tool inside OSE big time”. Announcing the New & Improved Link Intersect Tool MOZ Blog  [...]

‘How To Write High Quality Content That People Want To Link To’ by John Chow

Chow says, “I read this in a magazine I was reading and it was mentioned by when I asked him this question for an expert post I was writing a few months back. This statement is very true and if you want enormous targeted traffic sent to your website, it’s all about writing the best content ever. This means creating content that solves a common problem and is in-depth, providing a complete solution. People love this type of content, and it increases the chance of someone linking back to it as an additional resource for other content online. However, you have to follow the fundamentals... [...]

‘How To – Link Building For Your New Website’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Sometimes, getting a website online may seem like a monumental task, all by itself.  I have seen web development projects on new sites take years, simply due to funding and resource problems.  Getting the site to work exactly the way you want, how you want, and look the way you want, may be the single biggest hurdle to getting online. The thing that most designers and owners overlook once they launch the website is that magical idea of pushing traffic to the website.  One of the best ways you can do this is link building, and this article can help show you where to begin”. How... [...]

‘Why Links Will Always Matter in SEO Marketing’ – ‘’ Blog

Sam Lloys says, “If you have kept up with Google’s updates over the last few years, you may have the impression that links are no longer as important as they once were. You can now find opinions on various blogs and online forums stating that links no longer matter or even that SEO marketing is dead. Such beliefs, however, are mistaken. It’s important to understand the truth about links, as your website’s ranking can suffer if you fall victim to one of the myths floating around the web. Then you’ll be able to formulate an effective backlink strategy. Google and the Recent History... [...]

‘Don’t Look Now, But Deep Linking Just Got Hot’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Lauren Orsini says, “Suppose the only way to get to this article—yes, the one you’re reading—was to first visit and then trust that you could locate it using the site’s navigation tools. Odds are good that you’d be somewhere else right now. Instead, you probably followed a link shared on Twitter, passed along in email or even displayed here on ReadWrite. That “deep link” made it possible for you to zip right to this page, the same way you can visit just about anywhere on the Web with a single click. Deep links make the Web what it is; they’re... [...]

‘20 Effective Link Building Strategies’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Travis Bliffen says, “Regardless of what you may have heard, inbound links are still one of the most important ranking factors. Earning links that your competition cannot easily recreate will give you a competitive edge and the types of link building we are going to talk about below are going to be great for authority and traffic. Here are 20 ways to earn credible inbound links to your website. 1. Present at Conferences – In most industries there are conferences and seminars where you can present. Generally that conference will have a website of its own or be hosted on a related site.... [...]

‘Getting Quality Links For Your Site’ – Tweak Your Biz

Kevin says, “As far as basic tenants of SEO practice go, creating a quality link profile for a client’s site (or yours) is fundamental to the success of any SEO campaign. As basic as this practice is in the SEO world, it is astounding at how complicated many SEO’s seem determined to make it.  Which is why me and the guys over at FosterSEO created this article to summarize the necessities of link-building by outlining the aspects of quality links and how to avoid poor ones. First, let’s begin with the elements that determine the quality of a link profile: Relevance Links to your website... [...]

‘Your Start-to-Finish Guide to Using Google’s Disavow Tool’ – MOZ Blog

Marie Haynes says, “Have you used Google’s disavow tool? You might want to. If you have been actively involved in SEO for your website over the last few years, there is a good chance that you have unnatural links pointing to your site. These can hurt you in the eyes of Google’s Penguin algorithm. Or, in some cases they can even get you a manual unnatural links penalty. In this article we will talk about some very practical things that will help you when using the disavow tool. These tips should help you whether you are an experienced SEO or a small business owner who is trying... [...]

‘Google Rolling Out Search App Engagement Ads With Deep Linking’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Earlier this year, Google introduced app promotion ads on search, display and YouTube. In an AdWords livestream event today, the company announced the app engagement ads in search are now rolling out of beta. Engagement ads launched on display last month. App install ads are already available on search as well. A Google study with Ipsos CT found that 25 percent of smartphone app users use search to find new apps. The company said today that app-install ads have already generated hundreds of thousands of app downloads. That Ipss study also showed that, on average, users... [...]

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